Guest Post

We welcome guest posts here at Guest posts give readers fresh content and authors reputation, with backlinks too.

How to submit guest post ?

Email your request at  [email protected]  with the title/full content of your article.We will then follow you up.


  • Relevant: The guest post must be relevant to the niche Technology.
  • Original: The article you submit:
    1.Must not be posted on your own blog/site
    2.Must not be guest-posted on any other blog/site than
    3.Must be original.
  • Maximum 40 words bio: Write about yourself & add backlinks here (or in the main content) . Please put the bio at the end of the post.
  • Copyrighted Images: If images are copyrighted by someone other than you or your blog/site, link the images to the source to give credit.
  • Anti plagiarism: Once your post has been published at cellauratechnologies, you cannot post it on any other site or blog.
  • Linking Policy: We do not accept posts with affiliate links & links to sites that are irrelevant to your article content, not even in Author Bio.

We reserve the right to

  • edit a guest post as needed (like, to fix spelling or grammatical errors). Any edits will be discussed with you.
  • reject a guest post that we feel is not appropriate for, or doesn’t follow the above guidelines.
  • Suspend a guest account if the writer submits even a single duplicate/irrelevant article. Their previous posts will be attributed back to us, and all backlinks removed.
  • Change the guidelines anytime without any prior notice, but update the date below.
    Guest Posting Guidelines last updated on:  17/07/2012

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