School will be starting soon and high school students will be looking for a place to park their cars during class. With the amount of cars and foot traffic a school parking lot will see, it is prudent to put safety measures in to keep students safe. Here are a few things to do to get your lot ready.
Safety Measures
You should plan out what safety features you need in place and where. Purchase Temporary rumble strips and speed bumps or see what it will take to install permanent ones. Map out the best location for stop signs and consider whether you want to paint notices on the lot surface as well. Be sure that the signage that is already in place, such as traffic and parking signs is fully visible. If foliage is in the way, trim it back until it can be seen clearly.
Resurface the Lot
Hazards can come from holes and cracks as well as from reckless drivers. Before school starts, have a professional company come in and lay new asphalt in the area. If your budget does not allow, have the potholes and cracks filled in and sealed. Also be certain to remark the lines so that the students will see them clearly. This is also a great time to inspect and repair the sidewalks around the school as well.
Get the Word Out
When classes do start back up, send out notes to communicate with families about the responsibilities concerning parking in the lot. Speak to the students who park there about being careful for other cars and to look out for pedestrians when they drive. Have other teachers or a security officer patrol after school to help direct traffic. If students do act unsafe while they are in the lot, have administration talk with them and their parents to rectify their actions.