We talked in Februray of Dark Lands : great success of Windows Phone , with over a million downloads in less than three months, average rating 4.7 out of 5 with 10,000 reviews. Developers began in February just a Kickstarter campaign to bring the game to other platforms and distance of a few weeks, with the help of well-known publisher Bulkypix , the Dark Lands has made its debut on Google Play .
Dark Lands is not the usual running game and you can see it as early as the graphics engine that pushes him, and undoubtedly quite characteristic effect. Our character will move independently yes, but we will have, in addition to avoiding the obstacles, also fight against the monstrous threat that we pareranno front. Even the boss fights will be on the move, each characterized by different modes of engagement. Dark Lands is available for free on Google Play, but it’s still a title free-to-play with in-app purchases designed to unlock the whole game (for Windows Phone costs 99 cents).
Dark Lands is a runner, fast-paced full of epic fights that take place in a universe composed of shadows and majestic landscapes.Refine your hero to overcome the adventure mode and survival mode endless. Run for your life!
Immerse yourself in ancient Greece populated by obscure mythological creatures. Blast your way through hordes of skeletons and trolls and faces the terrible scorpions and minotaurs.
Avoid the many pitfalls you’ll encounter on your journey and try to take advantage of it and use it against enemies.Refine your warrior greek, coprigli the head with a Spartan helmet and muniscilo of various protections. Choose your weapon and run to meet the legendary destiny.
– Run and fight using precision controls
– Exceeds 40 missions in adventure mode and survive in Endless Mode
– Customize your hero, choose your weapon, armor and perfezionane features
– Fight hordes of mythical creatures as warriors skeletons, minotaurs, giant scorpions and more
– Avoid the traps and use them against enemies
– Evolviti sublime environments composed of lights and shadows that resemble the art of ceramics from ancient Greece
– Run to the rhythm of music and haunting epic
– Unlock over 50 achievements inscrivi and your name in the pantheon of legendary warriors of the Dark Lands