Technology, Tips

Corrupted Hard Drive Recovery: Dos and Don’ts

Corrupted Hard Drive Recovery: Dos and Don'ts

Corrupted Hard Drive Recovery: Dos and Don'ts

Every person whose experienced any hard drive failure or data corruption, panics. It is the standard response, considering the number of stored data and information that may be lost in an instance. But sometimes, panicking can lead to grave irreversible errors. Before anything wrong happens, take a breath, and here’s what you should do.

 Hard Drive Failures and Data Recovery

 There are data recovery procedures which you can do by yourself if you do not want to pay for data recovery services. A word of caution, there may be things which you can’t troubleshoot by yourself and will still require professional help. If you’re going to attempt recovering your data, observe the following tips:

  • Do not open your hard drive. If you’re not sure what the problem is getting a person qualified to make hard drive recovery.
  • Do not attempt swapping your circuit boards to other drives, because incompatibility issues may arise. Moreover, you’re not sure where the damage is in the first place and in swapping the circuits, you might cause more damage.
  • Do not listen to your friends or home remedy articles on data recovery. As much as you’d like to cut down on costs, make sure the information you receive is from a reliable source. If you’re unsure of what to do, it’s best that you seek professional help.

 Don’t Pretend to Know It All

 Never open up your hard drive, even if you think you know what you’re doing. Don’t take out the hard drive from the device, and never change the configuration in your settings. Unless you know the right configuration settings to your hard drive, you may proceed. But if you don’t, it’s time to call the support staff.

  • Experimenting with the configurations may lead to more data loss or worse, your entire data may be wiped out.
  • Configuration settings are too complicated, the only the manufacturers and staff know how to fix it. Don’t mess with what you don’t know.
  • Don’t try rebuilding your broken or failed hard drive because you may corrupt other devices.

Never Overwrite Your Data

 What you store on your computer stays there, even after you delete it. The file is still on your hard drive, but the device sees it as available storage. That should sound like good news for you because until you overwrite your computer’s data, you can still recover whatever you deleted.

However, several people make the mistake of accidentally deleting a necessary file. Despite their efforts of trying to recover the data through a designated back-up point, they don’t know that by doing so they might have already overwritten the data. When this happens, you want to leave it up to the professionals. Here are some tips for overwriting you should know:

  • Overwriting wipes out your entire data. If you’re confident that you don’t want to recover any information, then you may overwrite.
  • Do not install any recovery software program on the same drive where the lost files used to be located. The installation will overwrite the lost data, and you may no longer recover them.

 Do Backup!

 You’ve heard it from your friends, the tech guy from the shop, and you’re probably tired of hearing it. Primary is the rule that you should always create a back-up for all your device, even if it’s your phone. A lot of hard drive recovery problems can be eliminated if you regularly create a backup of your data.

Creating a back-up eliminates the risk of you losing any or all of your data. If you haven’t done this yet, you can start now because it’s so simple. Create a backup point so that when anything happens, you can recover from the date the back-up was created. The market is filled with data recovery devices such as:

  • Hard drives with varying data storage – this is the most convenient and accessible for everyone.
  • Cloud storage – most people use the cloud for their handheld device, but cloud storage can work just as well as hard drives. Some cloud storage services offer up to 2TB.

If you haven’t sought the help of any professional data recovery services, then its time you contact one now. Data labs offer a variety of technical services and support for all your recovery needs, and you can visit them on their website It is the that you seek professional help and learn about the different recovery procedures.